Bahá’ís of Redwood City will be participating in the annual Preach-in on Climate Change, organized by Interfaith Power and Light – a religious response to global warming on a mission to “…be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy”.
Interfaith Power and Light’s annual “Preach-in” on Global Warming encourages faith groups to discuss the challenge of climate change from a spiritual perspective and to take local action to address the issue in their communities.
At 11:30am on Sunday February 9th, the Bahá’ís of Redwood City will join the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 2124 Brewster Avenue for a viewing of the fourth in a series of movies on Climate Change. This 90-minute event will be synchronized with this year’s nationwide Preach-In on Climate Change which will be simultaneously observed at many locations across the country during the period of February 14th to 16th 2014.

The Bahá’ís around the world have an established record of fostering responsible stewardship of the vast natural resources with which the earth has been endowed by an all-loving creator and of advancing environmental awareness and sustainable development.
Read more about it at the U.S Baha’i National Website.