Luminous Journey: Film coming to San Francisco

A screening of the Documentary Film:


at the

San Francisco Baha’i Center

170 Valencia Street, San Francisco
Saturday October 12th, 2013

Everyone is Welcome

Filmmakers will be in attendance  – refreshments will be served – 150mins

Click to see the flyer

Who is Abdu’l Baha?

Abdu'l Baha in Lincoln Park Chicago, Illinois (1912).
Abdu’l Baha in Lincoln Park Chicago, Illinois (1912).

Abdu’l-Baha (1844-1921) was the appointed Successor of Baha’u’llah; the authoritative interpreter of His Teachings.  Imprisoned for many years by the Ottoman Turkish Sultan he was ultimately freed after the great 1908 overthrow of the Ottoman Dynasty.

Four years later he would travel to North America at the request of the relatively large community of North American Believers ultimately cris-crossing the continent and enjoying an incredibly warm reception not only from the Baha’is but also from the ministers and congregations of the many churches where he was invited to deliver addresses and from the press.

This film is an account of that Journey to the West.


Read more about this journey on the sites below:

Centenary – Commemorating Abdu’l-Baha in America – 1912-2012
239 Days in America
The Journey West
Luminous Journey (Website about the film)